The Blame Game of Hate

I was born in Manhattan and grew up in the tristate area… the home of Donald Trump… From my youth I recall a very different Donald Trump then we see today firing off cannon shells of hate that echo through the darkest moments of our political theater. Trump has become the Pied Piper luring masses of people toward the event horizon of an inescapable black hole that could power a much darker tomorrow by crushing what is best in us. Trump is carrying forward the banners of hate even though I have strong doubts he personally supports any of the foot soldiers of hate he is rallying. He is like a power-mad-scientist crafting a sociological atomic bomb without realizing the horror it will unleash and empower far beyond his control. We are better than this. America is better than this. Moral people of every political color from red to blue should actively condemn what Trump is “cynically” invoking to get elected. The end does not justify the means…
